Good morning Serbia!

I woke up pretty late this morning and everybody else was up already. Marina made some Turkish coffee – which I really like – and we packed our stuff. Ica had fixed my bike early in the morning, he noticed some noise from the front end last night and insisted in checking it for me. It must have been true luck that we got recommended from Doug to stay here because he happens to run an auto repair/service shop and how on earth could Doug know that I needed this help just this day! Sometimes you believe in faith or some higher power. Anyway, the bearings were worn out and needed to get replaced and so he did! Thank you Ica!!

We went to the bakery to pick up some Serbian breakfast. We got a spinach Burek each and a roll with a sausage inside and then headed back to Ica and Marinas place to eat. Nice with a walk and their son Lasos showed us the way and helped us to run our errands. The kids are really good at english, the woman in the bakery didn’t speak much english but when we tried to buy one of the pies she said No! and shock her head. “No good”. OK thanks for the information so we got the roll instead 🙂 Nice when people are honest to you.

In the bakery

Jan and their son Lasos in the neighbourhood.

Jan eating breakfast

Ica’s auto repair shop where we stayed

The bearings in my front axle was worn out so Ica fixed it for me so now the front end is much better and the bike is smoother to ride. That was a great “birthday present”.

One of their dogs loved to jump 🙂

Marina, Ica and me just before leaving their place. Thank you so much for your hospitality!

Ica pointed out some great roads on the map for us, heading towards Montenegro. It’s very beautiful down here! This is just the start.

About tina.jeppsson

Works with graphic design, printed matters, photography, web design etc. Running my own business since 1990. Enjoys adventurous traveling, meeting new people, exploring new places on earth...

Posted on September 27, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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